Is joy found in our challenges

I have had to work really hard to make sure I look for the emotion in all that I do. Words like “happy” and “joy” are very hard for me to identify. I think the reason is, I haven’t mastered the emotions that come before them, like “peace”, “contentment”, and “like”. I am working on those. But, I have been thinking a lot about joy. I have heard it said that joy can be found even among our hard times. I looked back through my most challenging times to see if there was any joy. What I came away realizing was that the struggles were real and hard. But, I pulled from a strength beyond my own. The strength that can only come from a higher power. For me, He is Heavenly Father. We all, at some point in our life, draw on a higher power to get through our challenges. I think that my higher power brought me an aspect of joy to those unbearable experiences and I looked to that to keep moving through them.

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