Depression can come into your life in two different ways, through chemical changes in your body or through situations. Mine has been brought on…
Suicide Prevention
On June 30, 2017, I combined high doses of 2 medications in an attempt to end my pain by suicide. To my surprise, I…
Pain Unseen
I was sitting with a friend, talking about depression. I explained, that mine came from an abusive past. I shared a little of my…
Lifting Myself Up
For the last 3 weeks I have been a patient at a mental health hospital on a inpatient basis. My family, nor I, ever realized…
Power Within Today
In our world full of hustle and bustle, we have created for ourselves conditions of anxiety and depression. To put this into perspective, according…
Silence is a Killer
Having anxiety, panic attacks, and depression in this society is not accepted and rarely spoken of. This needs to change. Over the last 8…