Looking back over the last few weeks I have said to myself many times, “I don’t think I can take much more”. As soon…
Attitude of Gratitude
The featured image is of my sons car. His car was T-boned (broadsided) by a Chevy Silverado, full size truck, that ran a red…
Grandma’s Rose Bushes
I always loved going to my Grandmas house. When we were there it usually included playing in her large yard. The popular game was…
Silence is a Killer
Having anxiety, panic attacks, and depression in this society is not accepted and rarely spoken of. This needs to change. Over the last 8…
Letting Go
As a young girl, the story of Cinderella was magical for me. I felt that it fit my life in a way. I…
Strength Beyond My Own
I have said to myself many times, “I do not know how I am going to make it through this”. One of these…
She Became the Journey
One of my earliest memories is of my mother yelling at me, and saying, “You will never be loved, you can’t ever be…
Keep Fighting
Life throws curve balls, at times. For me, I feel like I am progressing and then I blink. The next thing I know…
Behind the Mask
There are many different personalities and behaviors that you will come across in a lifetime. One of the hardest for me to deal…
Empowering Empathy
I have found that some days are harder to get through than others. It may be that I have less energy, or the…