The featured image is of my sons car. His car was T-boned (broadsided) by a Chevy Silverado, full size truck, that ran a red light on February 24, 2017. My son is slowly recovering. Our family is still in shock.
This situation has been really incredible. On February 22nd, I had multiple procedures performed on my head, with the hope of controlling the brain spasms. On the day of my sons accident I was extremely sick and weak. There was a continuous pounding on my front door. I walked along the walls, holding my body up. I opened the door. There stood a police officer with a drivers license in his hand.
After I verified that my son lived at our home. The officer proceeded to tell me that my son was T-boned by another driver, is unconscious and on the way to the hospital. I collapsed into tears, on the floor. As a Mother, I can tell you the words the officer spoke were the hardest for me to hear.
My daughter and I arrived at the hospital an hour later; because of all of the questions from the officer and the drive time. My son was still in surgery when we arrived. When we finally were able to see him I was extremely sick and in severe pain. This made it so I could not stay with him the whole time, which was traumatic for me. He had lacerations on the left side of his head, throughout his hair, and his ear was cut up the most. We were told the best plastic surgeon had sewn him back together. The greatest one I knew of was the plastic surgeon I worked for, when I was pregnant with my son.
Little did I know the many blessings that were about to unfold. In 12 hours after the accident, my son was released to come home. He walked into the house. The plastic surgeon that put my son back together, was the same one that I worked for. My son has no memory of the crash, only waking up in the hospital.
My sons car was designed in such a way, that with the amount of impact from the truck, the metal door frames creased together. This created a cocoon effect that made it so the frame crushed in evenly. So the interior collapsed in one solid piece. The only drawback with that was, the paramedics couldn’t cut the doors apart to get my son out. They cut him out of the inside of the car and brought him out of the passenger side.
Several days later, we went to the car dealership that is adjacent to the intersection, where the accident happened, to buy a car. Once the manager and salespeople found out that my son was the one in the wreck, they were shocked. They kept saying, “No way, we thought you were dead for sure. We saw it, and we knew there was no way you could have made it. We saw you. You looked dead. You must have had a bunch of guardian angels with you.”
I know all of these blessings are for a reason. I know that my son had guardian angels holding him during the accident and stayed with him afterwards. I know all involved were meant to be there and they blessed our lives with their determination.
I do not have the right words to express my gratitude for all those that helped and took care of my son. All the angels that surrounded him are amazing! I am grateful for my sons life! I am grateful to be keenly aware of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know many miracles took place throughout this experience, and I am glad I was able to see them.
I know that such moments of God assisting us in our lives is real. We only have to look for them. I hope that an attitude of gratitude will be embraced by all.